Welcome to the FYI Men’s Conference 2024

We are inviting you to join us on July 18 & 19-2024

Welcome to the Men’s FYI Conference 2024

We are inviting you to join us on July 18 & 19-2024



Laban Miller

The Demon Sits Before the King
Finding Jesus/Discovering You

Joel Yoder

“You’re Not Worth My Time” -And other lies the enemy plants through abuse
The 30 Second Bomb - Visual statistics


Zachary Schroepfer

Blessed Mess
My name means Jehovah remembers

Arthur Nisly

A Unique Opportunity in This Crisis
Both for the victim and for the church



Nat Yoder

“Son, Please Don’t Repeat What I Did”
Positive pointers to prevent abuse

Arthur Nisly

“I’m Done With Church”
Making it safe to get help in the church


Arthur Nisly

Going Home With a Plan
The pitfalls of false accountability